Maintenance Notice – Website offline February 22

Due to planned maintenance, will be offline on February 22, from 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific time. Thank you for your patience as we improve our systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My Validator hasn’t received the email notification, what should I do?

    Notifications can be resent by going to the recover validator links page and requesting that the notification be resent. Please note this page is meant to assist validators when requesting links be resent, if you are an applicant requesting a link be resent to your validator you must enter their email address on this page.

    Validators should check their email Spam folder to ensure their notification email has not been filtered.

    If the Validator still cannot find their notification email after you have resent it and they have checked their Spam folder, send a request to support with the name of the validator and your request.

  • My Validator wants me to make edits but I can’t make any changes. What should I do?

    Please contact your jurisdiction with your full legal name, registration ID and provide the specific competency number.

    We will unlock it so you can make changes. Once you are done making changes you will need to submit the completed competency to your validator for review.

  • I want to add a new Validator but the system will not allow me to add his/her name. How can I have the name added?

    Please contact your jurisdiction and provide the full legal name of the Validator and their current email address and we will add the validator to your list.

  • What will my validator be asked?
    • Please specify your employer and position.
    • What is your Professional Designation?
    • What is your jurisdiction of registration?
    • Discipline of Engineering/Geoscience?
    • What is your Registration/License Number, if applicable?
    • What is your relationship with the applicant?
    • Dates of the time you have known the applicant
    • Dates of Professional/Business relationship
    • What is or was your Professional/Business relationship to the Applicant?
    • Have you reviewed and taken responsibility for the applicant’s work?
      • Comments
    • In your opinion, is the applicant's character: Acceptable/Not Acceptable
      • If not acceptable, please elaborate.
    • In your opinion, are the applicant's English or French language skills related to the provision of engineering/geoscience services at a level sufficient to protect the interest of the public in the jurisdiction of application?
    • In your opinion, does the applicant:
      • apply engineering/geoscience principles in a knowledgeable and accurate manner?
      • have the ability to recognize and work within their limitations?
      • possess sound professional judgment?
      • adhere to the Provincial Licensing Body's Code of Ethics?
    • Do you feel that you have enough support and information to complete the task of validation and to make a judgement whether the applicant is ready to assume professional responsibility?
    • If no, please elaborate
    • In your judgment, how much of the applicant's experience with which you are specifically familiar was:
      • Engineering/Geoscience
      • Non-Engineering/Non-Geoscience
    • In your judgment, has the applicant reached a "professional level" in their work? If your answer is "Yes", you are indicating that the applicant can accept full professional responsibility, and has reached the level of professional maturity needed to judge when they are out of their area of competence.
    • If you have any additional information which will assist in our evaluation, please provide it below
    • If, for any reason, you believe that registration or licensure of the applicant should be withheld at this time, please comment below